
Yes, it's a blog about reading.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

First, I must describe my Christmas present from L. – The Complete New Yorker! It has eight discs with every issue from 1925 to 2005 (the anniversary issue in February). There is a searchable archive, which seems a little limited in its search capability, but I was still able to find the article on malaria that I read a few years ago (July 2001). It was by Malcolm Gladwell and described the near-eradication of malaria. There was a recent article on malaria with some shocking statistics about its resurgence, so I kind of wanted to refresh my memory about the previous article – now I can do that. So, you can see what a colossal time-waster this is going to be for me (almost as bad as Sudoku!). Still, it’s one of the best presents I ever received.